Crime scene

X300 thanks to the high accuracy scan data and the high-resolution images allow to quickly freeze the site of a crime, recording the position of all evidence. The 3D model can be analysed from different positions to simulate the point of view of the witnesses and the movements over time. RELATED PRODUCTS XFLY Lidar Solution…

Car crash analysis

Accident reconstruction needs precise and complete understanding of available data. Starting from the scene and the final position and status of the vehicle, experts apply complex calculations to go backward in time and reconstruct the dynamics of the event. X300 is a valuable instrument to obtain high accuracy models and to produce visual simulations of…

Disaster Response

After an accident or natural disaster information is crucial to plan the correct response. Laser scanning deliver a rapid, complete and precise understanding of the scene. Long range and IP protection make X300 a great tool in such critical areas and the ability to merge data form drones/photogrammetry offers a great advantage when lives and…